Weekly Update at SPNC

 Cowboy Catholic 


Happy February! Check out the events we have going on this week (2/10/25). Wherever you are at on this journey of faith, we would love to have you join us for an event at St. Paul’s Newman Center, anytime! 


Love in Action

Monday and Tuesday 3-5 PM, meet in Newman Kitchen

At Love in Action, we go out to the community to visit our homebound and nursing home friends. Join us as we bring our smiles out to the community.

Cowboy Catholic

Wednesday at 8 PM, meet in Bishop Newell Hall

Join us this week as we hear from Sandy Rupp. She’ll be sharing her story about love. Come to learn more about this incredible woman and to reflect on what love means in your own life!  

Mass on Campus

Thursday at 12:25 PM, meet in Union Room 202

 Take a break in your Thursday for Mass. We’ll stick around after in the Union Commons to share a meal together, so pack a lunch or buy some there.

Brotherhood and Sisterhood Dinners

Thursday, at 6 PM, Combined this week in Bishop Newell Hall

 A delicious meal and great fellowship await you! This week is a special Valentine’s Day meal and social dance in Bishop Newell Hall. Dinner will be Smoked Salmon and Fettucine- yum! Feel free to bring a friend! 

Night Prayer

Thursday, at 8 PM, meet in the Worship Space

 As your week comes to a close, come pray part of the Liturgy of the Hours. 

Student Mass and Sunday Supper

Student Mass at 5 PM, Sunday Supper after

Enjoy a delicious home cooked meal after Student Mass. On the menu for this week- Philly Cheese Sloppy Joes.