JustFaith Sacred Water
What is it?
This 8-week long small group to help participants explore their relationships with water, in both the Christian Scriptures and their daily lives. Participants can expect to leave Sacred Water: Oceans and Ecosystems better equipped to restore the health of our oceans, waterways, and ecosystems through advocacy, grassroots organizing, and daily decision-making. Please note that participation in weekly “homework” reading is essential, averaging 1 hour per week. This is intended to be an in-depth study, with “holy conversation” (as JustFaith calls it!) from a variety of perspectives.
When and where is it?
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Emmaus House (1816 e Garfield). We will begin on July 11 and finish on Aug 29. Dinner will be provided.
How much does it cost?
It costs $50 per person. This includes registration of the JustFaith community and books for the course.
How do I apply?
Simply fill out the form below and click the submit button! Please register by Sunday, June 25, so we can order the required materials.
What’s next?
Once we have received everyone’s information, we will reach out via email with further information including payment options.