Liturgical Ministry
Liturgical Ministry
Liturgy is the heart of our community. Liturgical ministers enhance our experience through service and prayer. If you are interested in becoming trained in one of these ministries please contact us by emailing
With weekly preparation and meditation on scripture, lectors proclaim the living Word each weekend.
Altar Servers
These ministers help to facilitate worship by assisting the presider during Liturgy. Anyone 10 years or older is welcome to participate in this ministry.
Ministers create an atmosphere of welcome, gather and bring the gifts to the altar, and assist individuals with finding seating. Anyone is invited to this ministry: families, individuals, and college students.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These women and men are called to help serve the Body and Blood of Christ during Liturgy. One must be at least 18 years old to serve.
Music Ministry
Music ministers enhance our liturgies through the gift of song as vocalists and/or instrumentalists. Anyone is welcome to share their musical gifts.
Baking Eucharistic Bread
These ministers prepare the unleavened bread for our Eucharistic celebration. Ministers typically are responsible for weekend bread baking 2-3 times per semester.