Christian Initiation Welcome to the Process of Christian Initiation St. Paul's Newman Center Parish, Laramie, WY Name(Required) First Middle Last Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email(Required) Phone(Required)Are you a UW Student?(Required) Yes No When do you plan to graduate?Mother's Full Name (including maiden)(Required)Father's Full Name(Required)How did you become interested in the Catholic Church? When did you first become interested?(Required)Do you have any friends or family who are Catholic? Do they belong to St. Paul's Newman Center?(Required)What are your general impressions of the Catholic Church and of this particular Christian Community?(Required)Are you currently attending any church?(Required) Yes No What church are you attending?Have you ever been baptized?(Required) Yes No Church of BaptismCity and State of Church of BaptismDenomination of BaptismDate of BaptismHave you received First Communion? Yes No Birthday(Required)City and State of Birth(Required)How often do you attend Catholic Church services?(Required) Regularly Occasionally Seldom Never What is your marital status? Please mark any and all that apply:(Required) never married engaged to be married married for the first time widowed separated divorced and not remarried divorced and remarried have begun an annulment process Are there any particular questions you would like answered at this time?(Required)Do you have someone in mind who you would like to have as your sponsor?(Required)A sponsor is someone who will attend classes with you, answer your questions or help find the answers, and walk with you on your faith journey. Yes No Sponsor NameSponsor Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Sponsor Email Sponsor PhoneWould you like us to help you find a sponsor? Yes No Is there any other information that you would like us to know?